Labels:audio cd | cd rom | clock | computer | crt screen | disk | door | earth | person | plant | road | rock | sidewalk | sky | skyscraper | tree | windowpane OCR: TM esT WINDOWS COMPACT UISC WINDOWS COMPATIBLE DATASTORAGE Macintosh COMPAT IIBL C1997 are TLO registered Properlies Inc. tradeinarks and asubsidiary Design of The AI t3-Dj Learning lompony s a tradeinark of Ind TLC property Properties 1995Virtus of Inc their Corporation Macintosh respective rights owhers Tis iegistered reserved trademark SoftKey of land Apple The Compuler Learning inc Company other trademarks are certain the restrictions warranty under the produc is subject and herein limitations[ot Use of this. license i6p reem contained PDI544CE-CD Desionlt OMPACT dISC Contime DATA STORAGE COMPATTBLE Softka 1997 ITLC Properies irademarks Isubsidialy ompany Incg tegistered tradematk Computer propery limita ions warr ranty eement